Frequently Asked Questions

Why doesn’t Denali Majesto want anyone to know who he is? - Sarah K.

There are two main reasons Mr. Majesto keeps his identity a secret. First, he wants people to take his stories at face value rather than reading them through the “lens” of the author. Too often, a writer’s personal life and history can color the minds of his readers, thus altering how they interpret certain events, characters, or phrases. By keeping his authorship anonymous, Mr. Majesto lets his reader approach his work with a blank slate.

The second reason he keeps his identity a secret is simply to maintain his privacy. In a culture where every word a public figure speaks is scrutinized by millions—resulting inevitably in abundant incorrect interpretations and false accusations—Mr. Majesto wants to save both himself and his family from dealing with such a headache in their personal lives.

Does Denali have any social media pages where I can follow him? - Chase P.

Yes, Mr. Majesto has ambassador-run pages on both Facebook and Instagram. Please follow him using the links below provided below!

How many books has Denali Majesto written? - Kass Q.

That’s a difficult question to answer! Mr. Majesto has dozens of finished manuscripts, all in various stages of polishing and production. To this day, he continues writing new material as well, much of which he plans on adding to his library someday.

What genre of story does Majesto write? - Quintin D.

Mr. Majesto doesn’t confine himself to a certain genre … or even to a certain audience! The genres range from period piece dramas to science fiction to fantasy. Some of his stories are aimed at a more adult audience, while others are geared toward teenagers or even young readers. This reflects the wide range of his imagination as well as the changing scope of his original audiences over the years.

If Denali has written so many stories, why doesn’t he release them all at once? - Alicia A.

One reason is because many of his stories are still “rough around the edges” and require editing or updating to one degree or another. His team works on refining them one at a time in Mr. Majesto’s preferred order. The other reason is because in our “binge culture,” Mr. Majesto wants readers slow down and take time to savor the stories.

Where does Denali Majesto live? - Yun H.

Mr. Majesto has homes in a few different places, but in his effort to keep his identity secret, these remain undisclosed. (Even I don’t know exactly where they are! Although I do have some educated guesses…)

Why is Denali giving away his books for free? - Kay P.

Mr. Majesto knows that not everyone has much disposable income, and he wants everyone to have opportunity to enjoy his stories. But not all his stories will remain free forever! Because he also wants to bless his ambassadors with the financial freedom and time to pursue their own passions, some of his works will transition to become marketed goods in the future.

If these stories are so good, why doesn’t Majesto go through a legit publisher? - Dan R.

Simply put, Mr. Majesto has never tried or desired to use the traditional publishing route. While he is certainly open to the idea of his stories being in print someday, he is more concerned with making them available to everybody. Because the traditional publishing route requires jumping through a lot of hoops (and no small amount of luck!), he opted to create his own platform to release them to the public.

Who are Denali’s ambassadors, and what do they do? - Julia M.

Great question! Mr. Majesto’s official ambassadors are selected by his trusted public representative. Their primary work is to share the news of these stories with people in a variety of different ways, but some are also instrumental in branding and in helping to edit his work.

I love these books! Is there any way I can become an ambassador? - Adah B.

First of all, thank you for the compliment! Secondly, literally anybody can become an ambassador by sharing Mr. Majesto’s work with their friends and family. While he is not currently recruiting any new official ambassadors into the organization, you can submit yourself for future consideration by sending a message stating that intention on our Contact page. Please provide your name, age, current email address, and any skills or exceptional reasons for consideration. (Rest assured: This information will not be farmed out or used for any other purpose than potential ambassador opportunities.)

What else is in the works for Denali Majesto? - Jana N.

Currently, Majesto’s team is editing and preparing his unique take on the science fiction genre. Without giving too much away, his next release will be an out-of-this-world epic … and there’s no doubt it’ll make you HUNGRY for more!

Have a question that wasn’t answered above? Please use the Contact page to submit your inquiries!