Who Is


Father. Husband. Traveler.

Denali Majesto dedicated the early years of his adulthood to seeding, watering, and growing a handful of global businesses. Despite his blossoming success, Mr. Majesto realized that the deeper passions of his life did not belong to the world of commerce. Rather, his heart belonged primarily to three loves: his family, traveling the globe, and his stories.

That is why Denali Majesto decided to leave behind the world of business and dedicate himself full time in pursuit of those three great passions. As he has explored the world, his family has remained unswervingly by his side. Though he is too private an individual to write explicitly about his travels, many of the countries, villages, and people he has visited have played a tremendous role in shaping his stories. In this way family, world, and writing merge together in spectacular fashion.

So … who is Denali Majesto? Because he desires personal privacy above all else, he is dedicated to keeping his true identity a secret. Little more can be said about him than what the clues in his stories might ultimately reveal. Even his many ambassadors do not know the man behind the name. The one thing everyone can be sure of is this: that Denali Majesto is dedicated to unveiling his library of stories—for free—so that all might find illumination, inspiration, and, most importantly, enjoyment from them.

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